書摘:《Thinking, Fast and Slow》

1 min readApr 10, 2022

《Thinking, Fast and Slow》(快思慢想),Daniel Kahneman,2011

齋睇書名,一直以為係十幾年前有排好興嗰堆科普,將啲得得意意嘅心理學實驗結果,立立雜雜炒埋一堆出書。睇嘅時候過癮嘅,但睇完會發現只係一堆看似有主題,但其實冇主線嘅獨立fun facts。啲實驗來來去去都係嗰啲,睇完都唔記得自己睇咗邊本。

再撞見多好幾次,見佢攞晒獎,姑且一睇 — — 嘩,差啲錯過咗本好書!記得有同學講過,佢唔鍾意經濟學,因為佢唔信人係理性嘅。說來慚愧,直至睇到哩本書,我先明佢講乜。既然唔係理性,咁人係點樣做決策嘅呢?哩本書話你知~



I. Two systems: Two different ways the brain forms thoughts
- System 1: Fast, automatic, frequent, emotional, stereotypic, unconscious
- System 2: Slow, effortful, infrequent, logical, calculating, conscious

II. Heuristics and biases: Why humans struggle to think statistically
- Anchoring effect: Being influenced by irrelevant numbers
- Availability heuristic: Making judgments about the probability of events based on how easy it is to think of examples
- Substitution: Substituting a simpler question for a difficult one
- Optimism and loss aversion
— Illusion of control: Illusion of substantial control of our lives
— Planning fallacy: Overestimating benefits and underestimating costs
— Overconfidence: What You See Is All There Is (WYSIATI)
- Framing: Context in which choices are presented
- Sunk cost: Continuing investing in projects with poor prospects

III. Overconfidence: Overestimating how much they understand about the world and underestimate the role of chance

IV. Prospect Theory: Humans are more loss averse than gain seeking. Humans are risk averse for gains and risk seeking for loss.

V. Two selves — Experiencing self vs Remembering self: “I am my remembering self, and the experiencing self, who does my living, is like a stranger to me.”

