讀後感:《The Martian Child》

1 min readAug 17, 2021

《The Martian Child: A Novel About A Single Father Adopting A Son》,David Gerrold,2007



“But right now, you and me here, put together entirely of atoms, sitting on this round rock with a core of liquid iron, held down by this force that seems to trouble you, called gravity, all the while spinning around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour and whizzing through the milkyway at 600,000 miles an hour in a universe that very well may be chasing its own tail at the speed of light; And admist all this frantic activity, fully cognisant of our own eminent demise — which is our own pretty way of saying we all know we’re gonna die — We reach out to one another. Sometimes for the sake of entity, sometimes for reasons you’re not old enough to understand yet, but a lot of the time we just reach out and expect nothing in return. Isn’t that strange? Isn’t that weird? Isn’t that weird enough? The heck do ya need to be from Mars for?”


“Son, I love you.”
“Dad, I know. That’s your job.”

原來小說同真人,爸爸都係單身同志,但電影就改咗做鰥夫。睇完戲先睇書,感覺好似個識咗好耐嘅朋友無端端come out咁。

好啦我批准佢喺最有愛家庭故事排行榜(咩黎lol)排第二位。唔好意思第一位俾Raising My Rainbow霸住咗喇。


